Evaluation of automobile museums in Poland and Czechia

Katarzyna Michnicka, Krzysztof Piotr Kołodziejczyk


The article analyses a selected aspect of automotive tourism defined by the authors as travels whose aim and motivation is visiting places connected with automotive technology and important for its development and history, such as automobile museums, car factories or private collections. The aim of this paper is to assess the condition of automobile museums in Poland and Czechia, including the level of organisation of these institutions and attractiveness of their offer, to which end a point evaluation method was applied. The results are fairly varied, mirroring the problems faced mostly by small, private museums, even if some of them achieved better results than venues managed by local governments. The best overall result was achieved by the Polish Museum of Technology and Transport – Art Depot in Szczecin, and in Czechia it was Škoda Museum. The latter in some aspects can be compared to German Mercedes-Benz Welt, which is believed to be the best representative of a modern museum connected with the topic. Based on the outcomes, it can be stated that the potential of the automotive tourism has been noticed mostly by large automobile manufacturers, which use their history for marketing purposes.

Słowa kluczowe

automotive industry; automotive tourism; museum; heritage

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62875/tk.v4i125.1364


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